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Am I a candidate

for Bariatric Surgery?

Current indications for bariatric surgery based on the National Institutes of Health are the following:

Calculate your body mass index.

Your BMI is

Normal weight: 20-24.9.

Overweight: 25-29.9.

Mild Obesity: 30-34.9.

Moderate Obesity: 35-39.9.

Severe Obesity: 40-49.9.

Super Obesity: >50.

We analyze your case,

patient centered attention is our team’s priority. Provide us with the following information, and we will work to find the best procedure for you.

    Get to know the different procedures we offer you:

    Bariatric Surgery

    Gastric Sleeve

    85% of the Stomach is removed to decrease its size.

    Roux en Y Gastric Bypass

    The stomach size is reduced creating a small reservoir and a connection to the intestine is made.

    Mini Gastric Bypass

    Similar to the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass but only with one intestinal anastomosis.

    Intragastric Balloon

    A flexible and soft silicone sphere is introduced in the stomach, to induce satiety.